================================================================ Title : RUN OUT!! Filename : RUNOUT.MAP Author : Jeffrey Cole aka Deathsword Email Address : Hcole@compmore.net Misc. Author Info : I loved making doom2 levels.. now it is duke :) Description : A open and well rounded D-Match level, Plays well and have been told that it is very fun :) heh ill tell you SECRET! SHHHH.... ok while up top of the waterfalls.. you can sometimes duck and not be seen! it cool... you see it water but only to your waste! sometimes it will allow you to be undetected while ducking! you can still see the guy.. he cant see you! you never run out of air... AND can still shoot the the guy.. all he will see are shells flying out of water and rockets in the face! SHH...oh and one more thing.. people have been complaining about the center sewage swimming part, they can't seem to get out of it very well so I will tell ALL OF YOU FOR THE LAST TIME!!! WHILE UNDERWATER AND HOLDING THE JUMP BUTTON TO CLIMB UPWARD TOWARDS THE SURFACE OF THE WATER, HOLD THE FORWARD BUTTON AT THE SAME TIME! AFTER YOU GET THE HANG OF IT, YOU'LL BE ABLE TO EASILY CLEAR THE WATER AND JUMP OUT... NOW ENJOY! oh and one more thing.. if you are wondering why the sharks are upside down, it's because they are DEFORMED!! hehe they are in sewage you know :) Oh and one last little thing.. the small box that says "USE AT OWN RISK!!!" means that you could get stuck in it while trying to go into the water... heh had to make it a risk somehow :) RATING BY BETA TESTERS : ***** OUT OF ***** (STARS) 5-5 STARS!! Additional Credits to : 3DREALMS, ORIGINAL CREATOR Of Doom2 ][ WAD OUT.WAD, This LEVEL WAS A *BASE* IT HAS BEEN ALTERED DRASTICALLY TO FIT THE *DUKE ATMOSPHERE* MANY THINGS HAVE BEEN ADDED AND CHANGED! Ian Morris the creator of "MADDUKE.RTS" now called "Run-Out.rts" Read the Txt file called "Run-Rts" for instructions on how to run it! Also I would like thank my most helpful BETA tester Benoit Proulx aka "EXCALIBUR" for pointing out the little problems like water footprints in water, bullets seen when shot at waterfall, and other minor "bugs" Thanx! ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 Single Player : No DukeMatch Level : Yes ONLY!! AHHH!! Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : OUT.WAD (NOW MUCH "BETTER" AND ALLOT MORE FEATURES IE. FIRE TRUCK ) Editor(s) used : Build.exe *Build Time* : MY GOD FOREVER!!! AHHH AT LEAST 100 hours! CRAZY! Known Bugs : NOTHING GOD DAMMIT! * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: ANY YOU CAN FIND! SOON ON 3DREALMS IF I CAN FIND IT :) BBS numbers: TVC (THE VIRTUAL CITY) (613) 746-4881 4 LINES RINGDOWN MULTIPLAYER DUKE SOON!! Other: FRIENDS, FAMILY, CD'S :) (HEH) UMM, DOG'S * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST distribute this MAP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. ALSO IF YOU DO DISTRIBUTE IT IN A PACK OR IN A PUBLIC FORMAT I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW :) THX * OTHER GREAT MAPS * ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ RUN.MAP RUNFSTR.MAP RUNABOUT.MAP * OTHER GREAT DOOM ][ WADS * ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ Death1.wad In.wad Run.wad Runfstr.wad If any company would like to hire me to make maps ....please do :) D E A T H S W O R D ! ! ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ P.S I am a VERY VERY good doom ][ player so if you wanna shot at me.. contact me... heh im getting closer and closer to my doom like skills everyday in This fine game... DUKE RULEZ!!!